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Bibliothèque de leçons

International Training Guide

Practice Ministries is a God-ordained, Spirit-led movement of fathers teaching their children God’s Word through father-led Bible studies for fathers and their children, and giving fathers the spiritual leadership in their family. This guide is being used in conferences and homes around the world by parents to help their families follow Jesus.

Practice Ministries Presentation/Participant Manual



What is Practice Ministries

Practice Ministries Statement of Faith

Practice Ministries Mission Statement

Practice Ministries Vision

The History of Practice Ministries

Scope of Practice Ministries/Testimonies

Practice Ministries Team


Why Practice Ministries/FAQs

How to do Practice Ministries


Intro to Biblical Parenting

Importance of a Father in a Child’s Life

Role and Responsibility as a Father

Biblical Examples of Fathers

Statistics of Fathers Present in the Family

Building a Godly Legacy

A Mother’s Role in PM


Helping Your Family Follow Jesus

SECTION V  Appendices

Bible Lesson/Worksheet

Practice Session Devotions

Family Mission Statement

Family Creed

Family Character Statement

Family Conviction Statement

Family Blessings


Other Materials to Download

Créer un groupe

Si vous envisagez de commencer votre propre étude biblique pour papa et vos enfants ou si vous êtes prêt à partir, nous pouvons vous aider.

Démarrer un groupe

Suivez nous

"Car je l'ai choisi, afin qu'il dirige ses enfants et sa maison après lui pour garder le chemin du Seigneur en faisant ce qui est droit et juste."

(Genèse 18:19)

Ministères de pratique

6125 Luther Ln

Bureau 183

Dallas, Texas 75225

© 2020 Ministères de la pratique. Tous les droits sont réservés.