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Welkom bij de lesbibliotheek van de praktijkministeries. Hier kun je alle lessen van Practice Ministries vinden en openen. Al onze leiderschapsboeken en werkmappen kunnen worden gedownload nadat u zich hebt geregistreerd (door uw naam en e-mailadres op te geven). Hoewel Practice Ministries je niet oproept om onze lessen te downloaden, vragen we je om een geschenk aan Practice Ministries te geven als je bereid en in staat bent.

Vertel me over de Leader Books

De lessen zijn geschreven voor kinderen, zodat ze gemakkelijk te begrijpen zijn. De lessen zijn niet confessioneel – we komen niet in verband met denominatie in de lessen. De lessen zijn ook geschreven in discussieformaat, dus als een vader een sterke baan nodig heeft om door te rennen, kan hij de les lezen en deze zal werken. Maar als een vader de les als een schets wil gebruiken en zijn eigen voorbeelden of illustraties wil gebruiken, dan is dat de les voor hem. Wanneer vragen worden gesteld in de les, worden er voorgestelde antwoorden gegeven als een andere leerhulp. Momenteel bevatten drie van de lesboeken: Ten Commandments 1, Heroes of the Bible en Christian Character verschillende lessen waarbij een evangelieuitnodiging aan het einde van de les is geschreven door een vader die momenteel deelneemt of heeft deelgenomen aan onze vaders en kinderen Bijbelstudies. Ten slotte is er in veel van de leiderschapsboeken een gedeelte waarin antwoorden op de vragen van het werkboek worden gegeven. Al onze materialen zijn beschikbaar in gedrukte of gedownloade vorm.

Vertel me over de werkboeken

De werkboeken, liefkozend bekend als 'huiswerk', werden ontwikkeld om een vader en zijn zoon of dochter een manier te geven om samen te zitten en zich voor te bereiden op Bijbelstudie. Het is de favoriete tijd van vaders en kinderen geworden om samen Bijbelstudie te doen. Elk werkboekblad komt overeen met de leidende boekles van hetzelfde nummer en is een lessamenvatting van 1 pagina. Er worden vragen gesteld – sommige met een specifieke bijbelverwijzing – sommige hebben een open einde. Het plezier is om 's middags of' s avonds voor de Bijbelstudie met je kind te zitten en de vragen door te nemen en samen de antwoorden te verzinnen en zet papa automatisch in de spirituele leiderspositie thuis. Niet verplicht maar zeker de moeite waard!


Créer un groupe

Si vous envisagez de commencer votre propre étude biblique pour papa et vos enfants ou si vous êtes prêt à partir, nous pouvons vous aider.

Démarrer un groupe


I’ve been blessed to have had a strong bond with my dad throughout the years, in large part I think because our relationship is grounded in Christ. I can’t remember a time when we weren’t attending father-daughter Bible study once a month. No matter what was going on in our lives, my dad made it a priority for us to be there and study God’s word together. 

The impact that our father-daughter Bible study had on me is immeasurable. Regardless of the topic discussed, I always left equipped with new knowledge and understanding of Christ. 

Family is the most important thing in my life, and so, to be able to grow closer to God together with my dad was a huge blessing. 

Margaret T


I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU for doing the Lord’s work in bringing families together through father/daughter Bible study. My daughter and I just graduated from the program last May after 10 years, and I can tell you that it was truly an amazing experience.  I got to watch as my little girl grew into a God-loving woman. She has graduated high school and is off to college now.  

In retrospect, taking 30 minutes every month to get up early and study God’s word, was a true blessing in our lives. We certainly bonded through the process, and it was a blessing that we could share this time together.  

For those of you who are considering starting or joining a Bible study, please do. The blessings of teaching your child about Christ are immeasurable. Not to mention you get to learn a few things yourself. The fellowship among Dads and daughters is great as well. You will certainly not regret it.  

Jodie T III


I am an intern at Exile International which rescues abducted child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda and works to restore them physically, emotionally, and spiritually through rehabilitative care. Exile International began using Practice Ministries Curriculum last year with our children in group settings that we call Peace Clubs. Since we have started using it, we have had 78 baptisms! We are so grateful for Practice Ministries.

SS, Exile International

Practice Ministries conferences for next year will see a significant increase in participation because the news keeps spreading very fast and invitations keep coming by the week due to its impact on fathers and their families. 

Emmanuel A-B, South Africa

People who work with kids ask for your material on apologetics and even teenagers asked us to finish the translation as soon as we can.

Alexey and Larissa A, Russia

We appreciate your initiative and help for translating the bible study books « Christian Character » and « Apologetics » in Nepali. This project is a good means for strengthening Christian families in Nepali churches. There is a great need of such materials in the country.

Bishnu R, Nepal

I am very grateful to you for sending me your Bible lessons. These lessons will help ministers in remote areas where adequate discipleship training cannot be easily offered.

Naing H, Burma

I am convicted and fully persuaded that what has worked in the United States for many fathers can also work in Liberia and Africa for fathers and children. Just a thought of the impact of this program on the lives of fathers and children have become a source of motivation for me. What better thing will a father ever envisage for his children other than to see them grow in character and in relationship with the Lord Jesus? This is our heartbeat! 

Stephen W, Liberia

I am so thankful that my dad chose to participate in Practice Ministries over 20 years ago. Those mornings with my dad studying the Bible are still a cherished memory. Practice Ministries allowed for a time of growth in me during my most formative years. Getting to spend that time with my dad pursuing the Lord will be something I will be forever grateful for.

Bailey S

Practice Ministries was an opportunity to share my love of Jesus with my girls. It was the first opportunity I experienced where I took ownership and leadership with them on their faith journey. Bottom line, this is great for fathers and their children to share the most important thing in life, knowing, learning about, and trusting Jesus. 

Chuck A

These Bible studies have been a huge blessing and have given me so many memories.

David B

Melinda and I continue to talk about how meaningful the last decade has been for us and our three boys.  We have all made good friends, grown closer to God, and grown closer to each other as a result of Practice Ministries.

Blake C Family

Story Greetings from Rwanda in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I wanted to let you know that we had a successful gathering of 120 senior church leaders, elders, lay leaders, men and women ministry leaders from different churches in Rubavu district. This was an event organized in conjunction with Every Home for Christ Rwanda and Practice Ministries Rwanda. I got a chance to share what we believe in as Practice ministries and gave opportunities for the church leaders to access our study materials. Church leaders were more than happy to have such quality training material available. I have many invitations from the senior Pastors to go and introduce this especially to their men in their churches. What a great time and opportunity, I can’t wait to see lives transformed through this ministry – I just get to be part of this.

John S, Rwanda 

There is no better work we do than encouraging our children to be followers of Jesus Christ. Of all that we invest with our time, our talents, our gifts and our treasures, the greatest fruit will emerge from the meaningful time we spend with our families.

Kirk W

Morgan & I are both enjoying our time with each other and time with the group. Last year I thought it was important for Morgan to know what girls she could really turn to in a tough moment; now I am also realizing the same is true among the Dads.

Joel E

I asked Peter to give me some thoughts about the Bible Study and his quick answer was “I get to see everybody. I got to learn more about the Bible even more than in Sunday school because there are not as many people. The food is good.” I was amazed at how fast he responded. It told me that he really enjoys it. Believe me, Peter would tell me if he did not like it.

Dave M

I have had so many people both in our church, at work, play etc. ask about your curriculum. I know God is working in our home.

Bryan A

I would say that Practice Ministries has helped us become a better family.

Scott B

BEST Morning with Dad has been a catalyst for dozens of dads and sons in our neighborhood school to connect in their faith. It’s the best morning of the school week.

Jeff R

Seeing how you do what you do I thought I would pass on that after helping teach my daughter’s Sunday School, she told me unsolicited that she loved me. When I asked why, (expecting to hear that it is because I take care of her, buy her things, take her to movies), her response was simply, “Because you teach me about God.” I slept well that night.

Chris S

We’re excited about partnering with Practice Ministries. Bible studies that dads do with their kids during the school year will complement our summer camp teaching about the life of Christ; and will in turn equip our camp dads & moms to lead their children as God means for them to do.

Scott T

The thing I like most about it is the special time it allows me to spend with each child. This time is so different than any other during the week. There are no distractions, no outside activities, just incredible one-on-one time with the most precious gift the Lord has given me.

Dr. Ken M

From a mom’s point of view, I’ve watched these dads lead these young girls through discussions on subjects on inner beauty, effects of gossip and the importance of friendship from what the Bible has to say about them. That dad teaches the message makes it more meaningful than if it comes from mom.

Kathryn J

Practice Ministries has been much more than just a Bible study for me and my son–it has provided a standing, consistent time frame for us to spend time together, allowing him to know that learning about and serving Christ can be a normal, down to earth, everyday, how you live experience.

Robert V

Having a weekly Bible Study with both my daughter and son has been nothing short of incredible. It certainly challenges me every week to model a Christ centered life. It is amazing to see the kids starting to “own” the truth.

Rick J

Suivez nous

"Car je l'ai choisi, afin qu'il dirige ses enfants et sa maison après lui pour garder le chemin du Seigneur en faisant ce qui est droit et juste."

(Genèse 18:19)

Ministères de pratique

6125 Luther Ln

Bureau 183

Dallas, Texas 75225

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