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Jodie T III

I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU for doing the Lord’s work in bringing families together through father/daughter Bible study. My daughter and I just graduated from the program last May after 10 years, and I can tell you that it was truly an amazing experience.  I got to watch as my little girl grew into a God-loving woman. She has graduated high school and is off to college now.  

In retrospect, taking 30 minutes every month to get up early and study God’s word, was a true blessing in our lives. We certainly bonded through the process, and it was a blessing that we could share this time together.  

For those of you who are considering starting or joining a Bible study, please do. The blessings of teaching your child about Christ are immeasurable. Not to mention you get to learn a few things yourself. The fellowship among Dads and daughters is great as well. You will certainly not regret it.  

Jodie T III


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"For I have chosen him, that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just."

(Genesis 18:19)

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